Who do you picture when you think of a marketing expert? Maybe someone who wears a nice suit, doesn’t have much of a sense of humor, and sends meeting invites on nights and weekends?
While he does own some pretty great suits, Eric Brown stands out from his peers in almost every other way. His warm, human approach to digital marketing has brought him and his company to the forefront of the industry, and he still finds time to joke around with his friends and go hiking every weekend. His trademark effectiveness and approachability has made him a sought-after educator for businesses of every size and target audience.
To understand business, you first have to understand customer interaction. Since his earliest memories helping his dad at the family deli, Eric has been talking with, listening to, and closing with clients for decades. Working alongside his father, he learned how to anticipate the needs of his customers and make them feel cared for. Although Eric’s ambitions went far beyond the family business, the practical experience he picked up has always been the driving force of his business philosophy.
After earning a degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2015, Eric immediately took a sales position in his native St. Louis. The job had everything a recent graduate dreads: cold calls, heaps of bureaucracy, and painful team-building exercises. Always eager to learn, Eric took the opportunity to practice his customer interaction skills, think of ways to improve his results with technology, and stand out from his fellow salesmen.
It was this innovation that convinced Eric’s business partner, Garrett Atkins, to make him the Director of Business Development for their new company.
Garrett Atkins and his partners created VIE Media in 2016 as a way to market the services of sales professionals online. By providing full-service marketing content creation to a rapidly growing number of sales firms, startups, and multinational corporations, VIE Media quickly became one of the top-performing marketing companies in the St. Louis area. By 2021, VIE was working with Fortune 1000 brands on unique marketing campaigns with thousands of unique assets.
Building this media marketing empire wasn’t easy. To offer great services to as many companies as possible, VIE itself needed top-tier branding, SEO, and outreach. Eric and his partners began attending networking events in St. Louis, sharing their passion for learning with their peers. Eric started learning about Google Ads, SEO, and keyword marketing.
Combining this knowledge with his expertise in sales and client interaction, Eric began courting nearby businesses. Instead of making cold calls, Eric met with his networking connections, building a personal relationship with them. At every step of the process, VIE Media’s team were honest, straightforward, and courteous with their clients. These interactions built VIE’s reputation as a trustworthy, effective business that sets their clients up for years of success.
There’s no perfect way to do business, but we all recognize when we feel taken advantage of, when we’re not being treated as equals, and when our money is being flushed down the drain. Eric Brown has always believed in upfront, no-nonsense business. Clients always know how their money is being spent, the strategy being deployed, and how to best utilize their sales leads.
In fact, Eric believes that marketing and sales teams should understand the entire process from the first interaction to the final sale (and the next sale, and the sale after that). This methodology, crafted from his own experiences and the successes of his peers, has become a repeated talking point with businesses strengthening their own internal sales and marketing capabilities.
Eric’s consulting services—ideal for companies building their first team or looking for a fresh perspective—can help your team build onto their existing experience in a way that is refreshing, welcoming, and worthwhile to your clients. Business is ultimately about people, and their perception of your brand can be dramatically improved by the interactions they have with your team.
Learn how to improve your SEO, use digital marketing tools to improve your outreach, and finish the sale from an experienced voice with a passion for innovation. To learn more about Eric Brown’s consulting services, contact his team today.